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« Breakthrough! Particle Assembly Technique | Main | Industrial Nano Liability? »

June 18, 2009


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Tom Craver

Just a nit - any "loose" part (not bonded to neighbors) couldn't be reliably made "in place" unless you make them embedded in some sort of removable scaffolding.

E.g. how would you make chain link or a chain mesh?

Since planar assembly should otherwise be quite general, I think we can speculate that removable scaffolding will be part of planar assembly.

jim moore

Assembly Ribbon Mill
ARM - the brainless assembler

This design is an attempt to simplify and extend the Planer Assembler design for Fabricating objects. The big advantage of this method is that the assembly ribbon contains the information and provides scaffolding for making an object. (it also effectively disconnects your assember system from the internet)

Basic Parts:
Building Blocks- 10 microns per side pre made and nano precise.
Assembly Ribbon- The ribbon is made of graphene and is~10 nm thick, ~250 nm wide and a ~1.1 meters long. The ribbons have patterns of holes along the length that code for particular types of building blocks or empty space.
Deposition Stations - sense the pattern of holes in the assembly ribbon and deposit blocks.
Housing - holds the deposition stations and provides structure for the flow of the assembly ribbons.

So the process looks like this:
For a cubic meter Fabers you will need ~10 billion assembly ribbons to code for the blocks and the empty space that make up the fabricated object. All together the assembly ribbons would make an instruction tape ~1 mm thick, ~25 mm wide and ~ 1.1 meters long. (maybe roll it up in a reel to keep it free of contamination)

The Assembly Ribbons are separated and move through a series of building block specific disposition stations (one station per type of building block) that sense the patterns of holes in the ribbon. If they code for the stations block type a block is deposited on the ribbon. The blocks (in an unassembled state) have on one side a grove ~250 nm wide and ~15 nm deep. In the grove there are pattern of rods that can be extended or retracted The rods fit into the holes in the ribbon. There is at least a ~1 micron empty space between blocks on the ribbon.

After the assembly ribbons move through the deposition stations they are simultaneously guided by the housing so that the blocks come together in the X-Y plane. Once the blocks attach to their neighbors (in the X-Y plane) the rods that are inserted into the holes in the assembly ribbon are retracted. The X-Y slices of the object are then pulled together as the ribbon is pulled through the groves in the blocks and rewound on a reel. After the assembly ribbons are pulled through the object the rods in the grove on the blocks are extended to fill in the grove.

( one kind of retro future aspect to this design is the ARM could be powered by a hand crank----- pull a reel down off the shelf, feed it to the ARM, crank the handle for a minute or two and out pops a new cell phone, electric bike or what ever.)

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