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« So What About Microfactories? | Main | Ions Smooth The Way For Protein On DNA »

June 08, 2009


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the Oakster1

Considering that by the time the first dna manufacturing units are used by these amatears, graphene nanotech will be pretty well developed, and dna nanotech is mostly about positioning various self-assembled(hence, atomically precise) molecules . . . well, I think your selling it a little short there Chris! Still, you probably need a well rounded techie especially with some good knowledge of structural mechanics to know how to enforce structural elements to make strong enough composite materials for say a manned space rocket which is what would come to my mind(and a functional space habitat); the question is how fast will techies be able to do enough creative work and learn all the skills needed to get that sophisticated before daimondoid(or harder) nanomanufacturing comes around? The answer is . . . probably not going to happen.

Chris Phoenix

Heh, I'm not often accused of selling short any future possibility.

Manned space rockets are *big* and the technology space I'm talking about here would not be able to build large products efficiently.

That said, I'm sure that there will be many valuable applications for the kind of hybrid/baby step system I described.


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