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« Very Simple | Main | How War is Changing »

August 18, 2008


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Tom Craver

Jeffrey has identified key "waves". Perhaps he's a bit too pessimistic. There are things we can and may do.

Rapidly build up nuclear power. Require every US state to build a 1GW plant per representative they have in Congress.

Clean up coal - lower CO2 output. Barring nuclear fusion power, we're stuck with coal for many years - better figure out how to minimize the damage.

Biofuel from algae looks good, and could help sequester coal plant CO2.

Inexpensive electric cars based on current technologies - skip hybrids. Promote the idea that people should drive an electric but keep their gas guzzler for longer trips. That'll help get car companies on board, as it keeps used cars from flooding the market and depressing demand. Even a 40 mile range is adequate to get started, and re-charging services in parking garages will soon spring up, effectively doubling driving range for commuting.

There's not a lot that can be done about population, except keep improving education for women of developing / impoverished nations.

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