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« Superstruct the Future | Main | Looking Ahead »

July 24, 2008


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Tom Craver


I usually try to play devil's advocate on the issue of "nanoweapon first strike". But I think you could improve your arguments about the likelihood of a first strike, if you would get more into the mind-sets of potential advocates of first strike.

Consider two mindsets - one Pre-enlightenment, and one constrained to operate under Enlightenment rules. Call them P and E:

P: Nano-spy devices will let me discover all my enemy's secrets to use against them, and locate their leaders to be killed.
E: Nano-spy devices will let us reveal the enemy's plans, and their leaders' locations so we can quickly neutralize their ability to do harm.

P: Nanoweapons will let me punish my enemies far more thoroughly!
E: Nanoweapons will cause far less collateral damage and civilian deaths, making invasion ethically tolerable.

P: With nanotechnology, I can extract all the wealth of the conquered areas! I won't even need to keep the enemy's people around as slaves.
E: With nanotechnology, we can easily make life far better for citizens of the countries we liberate.

P: If I don't obtain nanoweapons and crush my enemies now, they'll get nanoweapons, and do it to me! Even if I can't invade, nanoweapons will let me punish my enemies without getting caught.
E: If we don't use our nanoweapons soon, oppressive leaders will get them, and invading will become far more dangerous. Not to mention the near certainty that they'll use them for terrorism.

P: I can use nanoweapons and nano-spies to easily suppress rebellion here at home, despite the distraction of invading my enemies.
E: If we don't invade, oppressive leaders will get nanotech and use it to cement their oppression.

P: Attack!
E: Attack!

Mike Treder, CRN

Well put, Tom. Another point to consider is that the actual attack(s) may not even be required. If one MM-enabled power can convince the rest of the world that it clearly has an overwhelming and undeniable advantage, and that therefore they all must submit to its promise of benign but global authority, it could be game-set-match without a nano-shot fired.

John B

I would strongly suspect that there will be those who do not believe such statements (or even the theoretical capabilities!) without proof. As such, there will likely be 'messy' proof or proofs made in verification of such capabilities.



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