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« CRN's Absurd Enterprise | Main | Evolution on the March »

September 07, 2007


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There's another "best selling" SciFi author who actually wrote a duology which fully explored "nanotech" ethics.
Years ago I attempted to get the "Instalinker" to recognize Ben Bova. Probably will have the same lack of success here, but for fictional treatment of near time nanotech, nobody's done it better.

Tom Craver

It's been a while since I read Moonrise and Moonwar, but I don't recall being particularly impressed with Bova's treatment of nanotech.

If I recall, he used nanotech as magic-tech. Doug Stavenger got treated with nanites that repaired him and optimized his health but made him dependent upon them. That, despite nanotech apparently having been suppressed to sufficient extent that there could not have been a lot of human or even animal experimentation with which to develop such a marvelous level of capability.

There was a bit of talk about whether that was a good idea, but the author made it pretty clear that even if it got him banned from Earth, it was merely a blessing that Earthers rejected out of ignorant fear - not a very deep consideration of the potential issues.

I think nanotech was also used to build improved rocketships on the moon, and some luddites on Earth wanted to ban them just because they were made with nanotech. Also portrayed as mere ignorant stupidity.

Perhaps I'm forgetting some other details? That just doesn't seem very in-depth or insightful.

Jason Hampton Taylor

Following the development of the Turing 3 chip (named in honour of Alan Turing inventor of the now ubiquitous Turing Test ) the self-psychologist programs began neural management and Syner control (synthetic robot composed of billions of molecular sized nanobots) as we know it today.

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