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« China vs. India | Main | Life Extension Threatened »

August 21, 2007


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Tom Craver

No doubt MNT will have a big impact. But even if it is quite abrupt in historical terms, we *should* get lots of warning that MNT is about to break. Even if the first to succeed has been working in secret, there'll very likely be public work that parallels the secret work. There'll be key development stages that will take some time to work through.

Of course, warning may not be enough to cushion the blow. We've had plenty of warning about the global economic disruption we'll likely experience within the next few years - but it will probably still be surprising and harsh for most people. At least in developed nations, we will likely experience major, uncomfortable changes in how we live and work. Perhaps these adjustments will be sufficient that any additional social change needed to adjust to MNT will be less painful.

Michael Deering

"We've had plenty of warning about the global economic disruption we'll likely experience within the next few years..."

You've been watching too many MONEX commercials.

Tom Craver

Perhaps - we shall see. But if you don't think we're sitting on the edge of big economic trouble, just waiting for something to come along and shove us in, you haven't been paying attention.

Nato Welch

With the progressive political momentum building in the US, I could see some moves being made to a more republic-style world federalist government that actually might have some teeth. Now that things like the rejection of the proposed International Criminal Court and unilateral crime-fighting in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq have proven to be disastrous policy, perhaps a Democratic majority will be better suited to strengthening international cooperation, on MM and many other issues.

But how would you get China to the table? As one of the world's 880 lb gorillas, they don't even have a functioning democracy internally.

But I wonder if the considerable threat to their industry posed by MM might be just the carrot to get them to reform, and come to the international table.

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