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« Post-Millennial Malaise | Main | Future Alienation »

August 14, 2007


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Nato Welch

"If so, then wh"

Hah! Cute.

"Peace is boring, Dude."

The thing about this attitude is that it's a mistake to make assumptions about who the simulators of our universe are, and what motivates them. We get the likelihood that we're simulated from the likelihood that we're going to be running lots of sims in our own future - but while we also have some ideas about what motivates us to run sims //now//, we have less certainty about the diverse variety of motivations that we could adopt to run sims in the future - especially the very deep future, thousands or even millions of years hence.

I wouldn't overstretch the argument to try to give us more information than it warrants.


If this is a simulation being run that is totally indistinguishable from reality, then there is really no point in wondering about it, is there? It has absolutely no impact or importance to our reality. Wondering about when they will stop the simulation is also a waste of time as I see it. None of this speculation changes any of our situations one way or another, although it is kind of fun to think about.

Fredrik Josefsson

We might have created this simulation ourselves. We escaped into our own MMORPG and forgot about the real real reality? And we might do it again—just for fun!

Mike Treder, CRN

Heh, thanks, Fredrik. I recently a terrific self-published SF novella by Simon Funk called After Life that follows a similar premise. Check it out!


With quantum mechanics providing a basis for random events in a universe, you also have the means for interaction between the creator and the universe without the creator revealing themselves.

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