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« Simulation Argument Goes Mainstream | Main | You Are Here »

August 15, 2007


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The 21st Century looks pretty banal compared with the 20th Century's expectations about it. In a lot of ways, daily life in the U.S. hasn't changed much since my teens in the 1970's.

Consider, for example, how F.M. Esfandiary (later FM-2030) back in 1981 envisioned that mysterious, far-off future year 2010 in his essay, "Up-Wing Priorities":



Thanks David for mentioning Baxter. Just today I finished SPACE for the 2nd time. He sure can make you feel like you've travelled those 8,000 plus years, can't he. Of any author I've ever read, he gets me in tune with the big space/time picture, the mayfly existance of human beings, and our often amazing inability to cooperate on a species level.

I've also recently finished "Light of Other Days"... everyone should read that one!!

Which brings me to an IDEA that's been forming (in relation to the somewhat downward trend in "SF")... something I need to write Chris about.

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