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« Saving Human Knowledge | Main | Implanted Medical Computers »

May 23, 2007


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Where is a study that says global warming is happening faster than predicted?

The conclusion that "climate change is occurring faster than has been predicted by most of the studies done through the 1990s and into the early 2000s" seems a little misleading if temperature measurements aren't increasing at a faster rate as well.

Chris Phoenix, CRN

From http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/co2-emissions-increasing-faster-expected-13285.html cited above, quoting Dr Raupach, the author of the paper:

"Our results add to previous findings that carbon dioxide concentrations, global temperatures and sea level rise are all near the high end of IPCC projections."

So I think you're right that SciAm used the term "warming" without citing sources. But the more detailed writeup implies that the temperature measurements are in fact increasing faster than the average that IPCC projected.


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