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« Emerging Tech LIVE! (8) | Main | The Design of the World »

September 28, 2006


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Brian Wang

Here is the 243 page pdf of the Us government (dept of energy) strategic technology plan

My site has some highlights from it

the list of actual funded programs for 2006 and 2007 is in the appendix.

They like the advanced burner reactor to control nuclear waste, carbon sequestering, emission control at source and emission reduction for end use.

I like More efficient and productive nuclear plants just from shaping the uranium into cylinders instead of rods and altering the water for better heat removal. A quick 160 GW global boost in climate clean power I also like better solar and wind, carbon sequestering, thorium reactors, 200+mpg hybrid diesel/fuel cell/ultraconductor cars, space based power using magnetically inflated cable, man made volcano effects, space solar shields, more energy efficiency in the power grid, lighting and home heating.

Of course molecular nanotech, DNA nanotech, superconductors and reversible computing.

Full speed ahead to more sustainable technology and use technology to mitigate the changes in the meantime (fake volcanoes etc...)

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