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« Nano Engineering Simulations | Main | Forbes on Robots »

August 19, 2006


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Junko Kobayashi

Dear Sir or Madam:

I would like to introduce you to the web video business services that Digitized Information Inc. (DigInfo) provides in order to offer you the opportunity to liaison with us in future business enterprises.

DigInfo is a provider of video English industry/technology news. Our website (http://movie.diginfo.tv) covers news stories targeting new products, services and technologies from Japan, and these stories are also published on various English-language websites by our online news distribution partner JCN. We currently upload 4-6 stories daily, and plan to expand our coverage to include news from other Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, Korea and India.

Our news stories run between 60 to 90 seconds. We focus on a wide variety of industries that range from IT, automotive, industrial equipment, medical, to food and health, environment and energy, and entertainment. This broad coverage is attracting an expanding web audience with diverse market interests that include business, technology, and consumer markets. To date we have uploaded over 450 unique video news stories on our website.
Here are some examples of our current movies from the nanotechnology section:
If you are interested in providing your visitors with access to our website, please feel free to link to our site. If you are interested in high-quality videos to feature on your website, we would be happy to deliver them to you over the Internet or by DVD for a fee. We look forward to working with you in order to meet your specific business needs.

Please feel free to contact our office so that we can assist your company.

Sincerely yours,

Junko Kobayashi
Video Business Manager
Digitized Information, Inc.
Olive Bldg. 2F
Yoyogi 5-38-6
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053
Phone: +81-3-3465-7069
Fax: +81-3-3465-7079

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