Last week, I received an invitation from the Foundation For the Future to participate in a special meeting called "Crossroads for Planet Earth":
Human population, extreme and widespread poverty, biodiversity, energy and environment, public health, world economies, global priorities -- in so many arenas, humanity has reached a crossroads where decisions of monumental consequence will be made, either proactively or by default.
There were nine of us, described as "experts in these additional voices from the USA and abroad," who made presentations, and we were joined in discussion by the principals of the foundation.
Based on what we shared with each other, it's clear that we are in a state of global emergency regarding the potential for rapid and disastrous climate change. This may not be news for most of our readers, but the statistical evidence I saw at this event was highly alarming.
During my presentation on "Nanotechnology: Driving Toward a Crisis," I emphasized the opportunity for exponential general-purpose molecular manufacturing to enable intervention in the rapid deterioration of global climate stability. Of course, I also had to point out that the same technology that will provide many potential benefits also could be misused and could cause great harm.
Although the other participants in this event had some previous knowledge of nanotech, nearly all told me that they were not aware until now of the urgency and importance of preparing to make responsible use of advanced nanotechnology.
Tags: nanotechnology nanotech nano science technology ethics weblog blog
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