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« "Miracle Mouse" Discovered | Main | Advice/action on New Orleans unrescued shut-ins »

September 03, 2005


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Mike Deering

Great movie! I couldn't see it before, though I did try several times. Big thanks to Kurzweil for making it available. By the way, his new book THE SINGULARITY IS NEAR is due at bookstores and my mailbox the 22nd of this month. I'm so excited! I ordered it back in December when it first went on advance sale at Amazon. When i first ordered it Amazon said it would come out Aug 27th. I was devastated when the release date was pushed back to September 22. But it's almost here! Yeah!

Mark Burginger

As a CG fan, I truly enjoyed this work of art and science. It takes a huge amount of time set up animations such as this. In addition to the artistic efforts, the actions performed need to have a scientific validity. The financial backers for this animation must be very proud of the results.

If only a part of the budget that is commonly spent on some lame Hollyweird movie were re-directed toward the second edition of this goal. Apple's designer of the year Jonathan Ive could spearhead the industrial design of the desktop unit, Industrial Light could take over the visual animation. This initial concept would provide the inspiration. It can happen. After seeing this animation by Lizard Fire Studios there is no doubt in my mind.

John Burch

I'm glad people are getting to see the movie. It was very good of Kurzweil's site to host it.

Personally, I'd rather see the money put into research instead of into slick(er) productions. My work was 90 percent design and 10 percent art. We need research, not art for art's sake. I'm hoping to work with others to animate the steps to get to the nanofactory. Without money to support that effort, it will be a low priority task.



If anybody's interested in *really* distributing this thing, you might want to publish it as a torrent.

Bittorrent makes for 30% of all net-traffic.


i love your movie and i want to see it again

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