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« Who has the hype? | Main | Hype, Part 2 »

June 17, 2005


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Yeah, but Bush has the power now. I bet the Christian Right will rule the 2008 Elections, and put an end to all nanotechnology research...for the near future at least.


You meant to say "an end to all *governmental, US-based* nanotechnology research". The world is moving on, with or without the USA. Granted, it might take longer to develop MNT without US researchers contributing, but it will not prevent MNT.

Also, I doubt that any industrialized nation can neglect mature nanotechnology. And in the not-too-distant future, regular private corporations (think IBM) can take a serious stab at developing MNT, if they can't already.


Mystic Monkey Dumbass,

Bush has increased nanotech research funding 5x's what Clinton has it at. Rather than end nanotech research he has made it the centerpiece of his science policy. Get your facts right or don't waste time posting.

"Yeah, but Bush has the power now. I bet the Christian Right will rule the 2008 Elections, and put an end to all nanotechnology research...for the near future at least. Posted by: ~MysticMonkeyGuru

Mike Treder, CRN

Dear MMH,

We welcome your comments on topics concerning nanotech and related policy. Please refrain, however, from calling names. The idea here is for everyone to have their say and be treated with respect, whether we agree with them or not. Or, I should say, *especially* when we don't agree.

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