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« U.S. Research and Policy | Main | News Release from CRN »

May 17, 2005


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I agree that things have changed significantly over the last twenty years. However, we are nowhere near the "step" that you describe. Religious fundamentalism may stretch progress out from years to decades, and that's just one factor in thousands that is blocking technological progress.


Religious fundamentalists don't have much of a voice in Canadian politics. I don't think the Chinese are permitted to have any spiritual beliefs. I would like to see USA or EU reach the 1st MM, but sure someone else will happily accept take the wheel if these powers are otherwise occupied.

uriel cardona

I would like know some aspects related to nanomedicine;Iam MD and chemist and I working in ER and want find out applications of nanotechnology in Oncosurgery.

Mike Treder, CRN

We at CRN have no special expertise in medicine or oncology. However, Robert Freitas has written two substantial volumes on Nanomedicine -- http://www.nanomedicine.com/

I hope this will be helpful!

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