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« Useful Functions from Simple Materials | Main | Military Uses of Nanotechnology »

March 27, 2005


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Today Easter March 27, 2005

It's a new day I spent the day with my family in Iowa having a meal and discussing a few of the events occurring today. The day has passed not unlike any day/holiday in the past spent with my family and friends. Looking to the future we see change inevitable. In the question becomes is the change for the better or for the worst in general is my opinion the changes that will be forthcoming will occur and will impact the lives of myself and my family in a positive way. This is because I will make every effort to cause this outcome. With the odd event of molecular manufacturing and the change to the market economy as we move from an economy of scarcity to an economy aplenty it is my opinion that we will make the best of things here as we always have.

I am reminded of the time a few years ago in the 1840-1850 where land was given away and individuals left there otherwise comfortable homes and jobs in the cities to strike out and make a new life for themselves and their families on the open frontier. In general this is a excellent example of what is my opinion the future. In the future due to the existence of molecular manufacturing and a cardinal database of a few thousand useful products individuals will be free to leave their otherwise comfortable homes and jobs and populate the new frontier. Although I'm sure many of you believe that space is the most likely candidate for the new frontier we should not discount several environments here on Earth as steppingstones to a future of space existence. These environments include the open ocean both above and below as well as both polar caps and considerable mountain regions currently uninhabited.

It was commented on earlier in a post which escapes me know the names of the individual but the idea is solid. A situation where a large dump truck size device is transplanted in a environments energy is provided and raw materials indicative of the environment are utilized to create basic products. This is the fundamental issue and example of the intuitive nature of man. If one of these devices were in this example the first-generation molecular manufacturing device and if the list of useful products included capabilities for sustained life subsistence. That is to say some capability for production of food production of energy production of clean water production of housing production of transportation. This would constitute the ability for individuals to leave their current lives and venture out to new frontiers.

This is in my opinion the most important and eventually destabilizing effect of molecular manufacturing. That is the capability and gift given by the technology of freedom.

I wish you all the best and I wish us all nothing but the very best. Let us make this time, our time, the greatest time that man has ever seen.


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