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« Tech Museum Awards | Main | Useful Functions from Simple Materials »

March 25, 2005


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Err, somehow I don't think I'll have my nanofactory connected to the net.

Tom Craver

Imagine a future virus that infects nanofactories to periodically make produce a wireless internet connection to download new spam designs. You or your kids only need to fall for one "free trial!" scam, and your nanofactory is permanently infected and open to 3D spammers.

Next imagine a "slow virus" - one that doesn't immediately affect the nanofactory it invades. Instead, it waits several months. By the time it takes effect, you have no idea where you contracted it, no idea how to avoid getting it again even if you buy a fresh nanofactory.

Next imagine an airborne nanofactory virus. Sprayed from a passing spammer's car or plane, it drifts into your house, gets sucked in by the nanofactory's cooling fan, infecting it with instructions to make that wireless internet connection. Now you don't even have to be careless to get infected. Oh, and it produces and sprays out millions more of it's kind, so soon your whole neighborhood is infected.

Next imagine a flea-sized flying device that deliberately seeks out nanofactories to infect, with tools to drill through the nano-active micro-pore air filters you installed to catch and destroy airborne viruses. It also infects your whole neighborhood.

Then there's the tiny worm that tunnels through the power line insulation, and eventually digs into your house wiring, finds where your nanofactory is plugged in, and tunnels on into it. Millions of them then tunnel back out to infect your neighbors.

John B

The other thing is that several organizations, including CRNano, has called for various protection schemes for nanoassembly templates - the instructions that tell your nanofac how to build fill-in-the-blank. Many of these defensive schemes use network connectivity in various ways.


Mike Deering

Yes, 3d spam is possible, but, it will not be easy. It will be easier to block than 2d spam. My printer is connected to my computer. My computer is connected to the internet. I get tons of spam. None of it has ever come out of my printer.

Brett Bellmore

Tom, with all those beasties crawling and flying about, I'd have bigger concerns than just spam.

Chris Staffa

Okay, what's really scary is that we already have nanofactories; they're called the cells of our bodies. If a hacker can make airborne attackers to target desktop factories, he can make our bodies malfunction however he likes. Imagine the tie-in advertising possibilities: a virus which turns your skin blue for a week, and billboard ads which say something like: Don't be a blue-skinned booby! Viagra III lowest prices!

Chris Phoenix, CRN

Mike D, I wish you hadn't said that about printer spam. I suspect it's only a matter of lack of imagination on the part of the spam/adware writers.

It used to be you couldn't get a virus just from opening an email message, either. Now, if you use Microsoft mail programs, you can.

And if you get a virus, there's nothing to stop it from using your printer.


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