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« Many Options | Main | Molecular Manufacturing vs. Peak Oil »

November 07, 2004


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Daniel Berhe

I am 4th year Mechanical engineering student.
I am highly interested to know much about nano technology.If possible send me the new dicoveries in this technology

Mike Treder, CRN


Check out the discussions on this blog re new discoveries in molecular building blocks, regular nanotube arrays, and a very promising diamond-building proposal from Robert Freitas.

You'll also find researchers and observers exchanging views on new developments at the Wise-Nano site.


not bad

siti noor jamadil akhiroh bt yusof

about nanotechnology


Respected sir,
Iam a student of 2nd year mechanical engineering.I read all your presentation.I would like to know the latest developments in nanotechnology and how it is useful for mechanical engineers.If possible please send me the topics related to nanotechnology and how it is useful for mechanical engineers.
Thanking you Sir,

Jeya Sekaran

would like to know abt the nanotechnology in the field of automobile parts. plz do message me.


i have not anything about nanotechnology till now. I am in final year mechanical engineering now. I want to send a technical paper on nano technology. I would like to know the recent developments in nanotechnology.
Thanking you Sir,


Iam a 46years old graduated in mechanical engineering.
I am interested to continue my study in nanotechnology.
would you please consult me if it is possible to continue study in iran or other places for me?
with best regard
zia tonkaboni

Chris Phoenix, CRN

Please read our post "Mechanical Engineering and CRN" before posting here asking for help or advice.

You may also want to contact the authors of the magazine articles. They will probably be able to answer these questions far better than we can.


Manohar Krishna Asthana

Respected Sir,

I am a Power Plant (thermal - coal & gas based) professional, and I would like to know about the latest research work going on in nanotechnology and its future prospects in power plants.

Any improvement in thermal efficiency of power plant is having great impact in two ways -
1. Fossil fuel saving, as less fuel is burned to generate same power
2.Less harm to environment, because of less CO2 emission.

Can Nanotechnology play any role in improvement in boiler, turbine efficiency?

Thanking You,

Manohar Krishna Asthana
Sr. Manager (Quality Assurance)
NTPC, Engineering Office Complex, Sector - 24, NOIDA

Chris Phoenix, CRN

If you're talking boilers and turbines, look for coatings that let you run at higher temperatures.

Broader than that, look at other thermal/electric conversion technologies. There's a company called Cool Chips that's been making noise in the area for the past few years. I don't know anything about them other than their marketing statements, but I think they've talked about power generation.


Aniruddha Kumar Mishra


Iam third year student of Mechanical Engineering Department at IIT Kharagpur.Please send me the recent developments in the field of application of nanotechnology and smart materials in mechanical dynamic systems.
Thanking you........



I'm a student of telecommunication engineering,and I want to've a full informational review of nanotechnology in different fields of engineering .Please do mail it to me.



to hell with ur bloody knowledge ..u all are bloody bullshits.If u dare .have my number 0300-2467762

i'm in karachi pakistan
u bloodies

Mike Treder, CRN


Please see our comments about engineering here.

amir rahmani

I would soon be in 4th year mech engg.my teacher and my fellow students are to undergo a project on nanotechnology.so i require all the basic and prerequisite information before starting this project.so pplease help me regarding this.

Mike Treder, CRN

Amir, please see our answer to Ali just above.

ravi ranjan

i am in 3rd year mechanical engg. i want to know more abt use of nanotechnology in automobile.

Thejas Shenoy

I am studying B.E final year in mechanical engg. pleas send me applications of nanotechnlogy in mechanial field

Mike Treder, CRN

Thejas, read this -- http://tinyurl.com/bbgnb -- and then if you have very specific questions, please ask.

Best of luck with your studies and work!


i want know the career prospects for mechanical engineer in nanotechnology in india

Mike Treder, CRN

vyom, I'm sorry, that is outside the area of our expertise. See http://crnano.typepad.com/crnblog/2005/02/nanotechnology__1.html

vishal aggarwal

sir, i hv just passed my 12 class from medical stream.but i want to do higher studies in nanotechnology.so sir plz let me wat subjects should i chose for my graduation

Mike Treder, CRN

Vishal, please see the information in these entries --


I am an final year mechanical engineering student, i am intersted to know about nanotechnology in manufacturing field (nanomachines esp.) in mechanical engg. Please help me as i am also more intersted to do my project in it.

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