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April 27, 2004


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Rocky Rawstern

"... CRN is nearing a “tipping point”, and that things will start moving even faster for us."

I agree - it seems to me that all the right pieces are falling into place in the nanospace.

Day by day I read and post an increasing number of articles, not just about "everything nano," but also specific enabling discoveries, many of which promise that sooner rather than later we'll be seeing some kind of molecular manufacturing.

I hope for the day that world wakes up to the reality that is suggested by our increasing knowledge of the nanoscale, and the real-world applications thereof. I also somewhat dread that day, as it may not occur until we wake up one morning to discover that someone who doesn't like us got there first....

In any case, and since my glass is half-full, I choose to believe that enough intelligent individuals have awoken to the fact that a nanotechnology-enabled world is fast approaching, and will choose to get involved in the C-R-Network.

Mike Deering

I'll be filling out your sign-up form as soon as I have time. I want to write some fairly detailed stuff on the ways I can help, but I don't have five spare minutes right now. Just give me a couple of days.

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